
The deadliest stretch of road in Saint Lucie County isn’t one you’d expect. No, it’s not US-1 and it’s non-stop traffic lights. I-95 for sure. Nope! Not 95 either. It’s the 10 miles that cut through from US 1 to the Martin/St Lucie County line that we call Port Saint Lucie Boulevard.

From 2010 to 2020 Saint Lucie County saw 357 fatalities caused by Motor Vehicle Accidents. Port Saint Lucie Boulevard, a 10-mile stretch in the heart of Port Saint Lucie, had 30 fatalities in those 10 years. That’s three fatalities per mile.

To compare, the 27-mile stretch of 95 that is in St Lucie County jurisdiction saw 47 fatalities, that’s nearly two fatalities per mile. US 1 was a tad more with the 25-mile stretch producing 46 fatalities over the ten years.

St Lucie County itself grew by 52,000 people in this stretch of time used to share these statistics. That’s mainly due to the rapidly increasing number of homes and buildings brought on by the City of Port Saint Lucie, Saint Lucie Village, and the City of Fort Pierce. With the Tradition area constantly growing we can expect the population numbers to continue.

With St Lucie County growing and expanding as much as it is the roads need to be safer. You can do this by becoming a defensive driver. Some tips we suggest are:

  • Be Prepared – Never get too relaxed when it comes to driving. Keep both of your hands on the steering wheel, sit up straight, and have your seat in the correct position for you. By preparing for everything and anything, you can see hazards from a distance and take safe action.
  • Stay Focused – Avoid becoming distracted by putting your cell phone away as well as any other electronic devices. This also means pulling over when you need a rest, stopping yourself from daydreaming, and becoming distracted by things outside of your car that don’t have anything to do with your driving. Yes, that puppy is super cute walking over on the sidewalk, but you must focus on the road. You also should never multitask in the car. Hold off on eating, drinking, or putting on your makeup while driving.
  • Predict Risks – When you’re aware of your surroundings you can predict risks. If you’ve been paying attention, you notice that a truck in front of you doesn’t have its materials tied down well, so give yourself distance or switch lanes. When you’re pulled over, you can report the hazard to the police.


While defensive driving is a great way to keep you safe, there are always going to be accidents. But by practicing defensive driving, you don’t jeopardize your safety from other distracted drivers. If you are a victim of a serious injury after a car accident along Port Saint Lucie Boulevard or anywhere within the St. Lucie County limits, give us a call to discuss your unique situation with our vehicular accident Lawyer and see what you may be entitled to.

Statistics were pulled from Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) and stlucieco.gov.