Roundup Lawsuit Attorney Serving the Treasure Coast, Okeechobee & South Florida

Treasure Coast Roundup Lawsuit Lawyer - Philip DeBerardRoundup weed killing products may have caused cancer in thousands of people across the US. Roundup is made by Monsanto/Bayer and is one of the most widely used herbicides in the world. Farmers, agricultural workers, gardeners, and ordinary citizens have filed lawsuits claiming their exposure to Roundup resulted in serious illnesses like cancer. Scientific data supports some claims.

Here in Florida, the health risks linked to Roundup are particularly troubling because we are a highly agricultural state. We have a total of 47,000 commercial farms and ranches, covering 9.45 million acres of our land. If a carcinogenic chemical is regularly used in these farms, it could affect not only farm workers but also nearby residents and consumers.

If you or a loved one has contracted a serious disease after significant exposure to Roundup, you should look into potential compensation. The law firm of Philip DeBerard can help. We are a personal injury firm trusted in South Florida since 1975, having obtained compensation for Floridians who were harmed by dangerous chemicals. Talk to us in a free and confidential consultation.

Roundup’s Glyphosate: Does It Cause Cancer?

At the heart of this health controversy is Roundup’s primary ingredient, glyphosate. This chemical has been around since the 1970s, but over the decades, scientific reports have raised alarms that glyphosate may be carcinogenic (cancer-causing) to humans.

In 1995, for instance, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) said that the chemical is a probable human carcinogen. In 2015, the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) also published their assessment, classifying glyphosate as “probably carcinogenic to humans.”

The disease most often associated with glyphosate is a type of cancer called non-Hodgkin lymphoma. It affects the white blood cells (lymphocytes), drastically weakening their ability to serve as the human body’s immune response.

Apart from this cancer, other Roundup-linked illnesses include:

  • Celiac disease
  • Fatty liver disease
  • Breast cancer
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Parkinson’s disease.

Roundup is manufactured by agrochemical giant Monsanto, which was acquired by Bayer in 2018. The corporation insists that glyphosate is not a human carcinogen. In 2017, the EPA also contradicted its previous assessment by stating that the chemical is not likely to cause human cancers. This has caused some to speculate that Monsanto and the EPA have colluded to downplay the risks associated with Roundup.

While the debate around glyphosate continues, dozens of countries around the world have chosen not to take chances. Canada, New Zealand, The Netherlands, and Germany are some of those that have banned or restricted the use of this chemical. The USA, however, has no new restrictions on glyphosate.

Who Can Sue Roundup/Monsanto/Bayer?

As of June 2020, there have been “approximately 125,000 known filed and unfiled claims” against Roundup, according to Bayer’s own estimate. The company has agreed to settle most of these claims, forking out a whopping $9.6 billion. Yet the manufacturer still does not admit liability, asserting that glyphosate does not cause cancer in humans.

Roundup lawsuits are filed by people across various sectors and various states. Many of them are farmers and agricultural workers, some are gardeners and landscapers, and some are simply residents who were constantly exposed to the chemical.

The main allegations in Roundup lawsuits are:

  • That the plaintiffs’ cancer was caused or exacerbated by glyphosate exposure,
  • That Monsanto knew of glyphosate being a potential carcinogen, but failed to warn consumers of this risk, and
  • That Monsanto misrepresented Roundup’s health and environmental risks, or misinformed the public about the herbicide.

Do you have a valid Roundup lawsuit? If you or a family member developed an illness after long-term exposure to the herbicide, and you think that Monsanto/Bayer should be held responsible, talk to a lawyer as you could be entitled to compensation. You can consult for free with us at the law firm of Philip DeBerard – we’ll help you determine the best legal steps for your specific situation.

How Much Compensation Can I Receive In A Roundup Claim?

The very first Roundup trial resulted in a verdict of $289 million in August 2018. It was awarded to Dewayne Johnson, a former school groundskeeper in San Francisco. His job constantly exposed him to glyphosate, and in at least two occasions, he had the herbicide accidentally spilled on him. By 2014, he was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

Several high-value cases followed, including a $2-billion verdict awarded to a California couple in May 2019. Alva and Alberta Pilliod both developed non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma after using Roundup on their property for over three decades.

These verdicts provide a glimpse of how much a Roundup claimant could receive. However, note that injury verdicts and settlement amounts vary widely, depending on the unique factors in each case. Generally, you may be compensated for:

  • Economic damages
    • Medical bills
    • Lost income
    • Lost ability to earn
    • Costs of continuing care (e.g. hospice care, palliative care)
    • Funeral and burial expenses (in the case of a loved one’s wrongful death).
  • Non-economic damages
    • Pain and suffering
    • Emotional/mental distress
    • Loss of enjoyment of life
    • Loss of companionship (in the case of a loved one’s wrongful death).

For many patients and their families, such compensation is greatly needed, given the massive cost of an illness like cancer. It’s important to enlist a lawyer who can help maximize the compensation you may receive. An attorney who is competent in product liability cases should thoroughly investigate your case, employ advantageous legal strategies, and aggressively fight for your claim in the face of powerful corporations and their insurance companies.

Don’t Delay – Contact Philip DeBerard

Time is a crucial factor in a Roundup lawsuit, as the law sets a time period within which you may sue. In Florida, you may have only two to four years from the date of your diagnosis to file a lawsuit.

Get the help of the Philip DeBerard Injury Attorney. We are highly trusted in South Florida for our effective representation in product liability cases and have offices in Stuart, Port St. Lucie, Vero Beach, Okeechobee, Palm Beach Gardens and West Palm Beach.

Among our firm’s successes are a $2.4 million drug injury settlement for the family of a wrongful death victim, and a $350,000 settlement in a Baycol drug injury case. Call 1-888-581-0323 today for your free consultation.


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