Florida Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect Lawyer

Nursing home neglect and abuse in Florida are overlooked and devastating crimes. Victims are often intimidated into silence. Dementia or other medical conditions may render elderly patients incapable of communicating the abuse to someone who can help.

But Florida nursing home residents have rights under the legal system. They are entitled to live with dignity and freedom from neglect or abuse. If you or a loved one has suffered from abuse or negligence in a Florida nursing home, Philip DeBerard, Injury Attorney, wants to help you seek justice.

Philip DeBerard has more than three decades of experience in representing injury victims throughout South Florida and the Treasure Coast. He is dedicated to help nursing home abuse and neglect victims obtain compensation for the harm they have suffered.

Call us today toll-free at 1-800-299-8878 or fill out our online contact form to schedule a free review of your case.

Signs of Florida Elder Care Abuse or Neglect

Nursing home abuse or negligence is unfortunately prevalent in nursing homes. Vulnerable patients and undertrained workers combine to create a dangerous environment – and our elderly suffer the ultimate price. Abuse appears in many forms, from bedsores that never heal to unexplained bruises. Among the key warning signs of potential abuse or neglect are:

  • Open wounds, cuts, bruises or welts;
  • Bedsores;
  • Sudden weight gain or weight loss;
  • Torn clothing;
  • Broken or missing personal items;
  • Resident complains of being slapped or mistreated;
  • Emotional state of extreme agitation – or, unusually withdrawn and isolated;
  • Unusual and new behavior, such as sucking, biting, or rocking;
  • Use of physical restraints – or bruises around legs or arms that suggest the use of restraints;
  • Poor hygiene;
  • Unusually pale skin coloring;
  • Sudden change in medication or dosage – particularly any medication used for sedation;
  • Nursing home staff can’t properly explain a resident’s physical condition;
  • Nursing home staff discourage family from visiting with the resident alone;
  • Resident wanders off facility because of poor supervision.

Florida Nursing Home Resident Rights

Florida law is very clear — Chapter 400 of the Florida Statutes contains the Nursing Home Residents’ Bill of Rights, which gives all nursing home residents the following rights:

  • Civil and religious liberties;
  • Private and uncensored communication;
  • Reasonable access to health, social and legal services;
  • Present grievances without fear of reprisal;
  • Be treated courteously, fairly and with the fullest measure of dignity;
  • Privacy;
  • Be transferred or discharged only for medical reasons;
  • Be free from mental and physical abuse, corporal punishment, seclusion and physical and chemical restraints;
  • Choose one’s own physician and be informed of one’s own medical condition and treatment plan;
  • Receive adequate and appropriate health care, protection and support services.

You can take several steps if you feel your rights – or the rights of an elderly Florida loved one — are being violated. First, there are government agencies you can contact, including:

  • Florida Department of Children and Families (1-800-96-ABUSE — 1-800-962-2873);
  • Agency for Health Care Administration (561-840-0156);
  • State Long Term Care Ombudsman Council (561-837-5038).

You can also contact your local police department. However, once you have contacted a state agency in Florida, you may also need to contact an attorney. Unfortunately, many nursing homes will fail to take true corrective action to stop an abusive staff member or practice without the threat of impending legal action. Lawsuits may be filed on behalf of the resident, guardian, or the estate of the resident.

Legal action accomplishes two important goals. First, it can hold the at-fault parties accountable for their misconduct. Second, it can recover compensation for the victim or surviving family members.

The law firm of Philip DeBerard, Injury Attorney, is firmly committed to obtaining both of these goals if you or a loved one has suffered from nursing home abuse and neglect. We will work hard and strive obtain the money you deserve for your losses.

Contact a Florida Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect Lawyer Today

Philip DeBerard has more than three decades of legal experience representing injured people. He anchors a compassionate team that is committed to providing personalized legal service to our clients. We pride ourselves on providing one-on-one attention to people across South Florida and the Treasure Coast.

Take action if you or a loved one has been harmed by nursing home abuse and neglect. Get started by contacting Philip DeBerard, Injury Attorney, to receive a free consultation. Call our toll-free number 1-800-299-8878, or complete our our online form. We will charge no fees or costs if we don’t secure a recovery for you.

We serve victims of nursing home abuse throughout South Florida and have offices in Stuart, Port St. Lucie, Vero Beach, Okeechobee, Palm Beach Gardens and West Palm Beach.


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