Hurricane Ian Damage Claim Lawyer

Hurricane Ian Damage Claim LawyerThough Floridians did their best to brace for Hurricane Ian, the hurricane inevitably left extensive destruction in the state, especially along the Florida Gulf. Thousands of homes, cars, and businesses were damaged by strong winds, floods, and storm surges. Residents are now faced with the challenge of rebuilding and recovering by claiming their rightful compensation from insurance.

Unfortunately, insurance companies often make this task almost impossible. It’s very common for property damage claimants to experience delays or denials of their insurance claim.

If you’re having difficulty getting a fair settlement from the insurance company, call Philip DeBerard, Injury Attorney. Since 1975, our law firm has been trusted in the Treasure Coast and beyond, having helped numerous Floridians get favorable results from their insurance claims. We don’t charge lawyer fees unless and until we obtain a recovery for you. Call us at 800-299-8878 to get a free consultation.

How to File a Hurricane Damage Insurance Claim After Hurricane Ian

Under Florida Statute 627.70132, you may file a claim against your homeowner’s insurance if you incurred economic damages due to storms or other natural disasters. However, the insurance company will likely fight your claim or try to minimize your compensation as much as possible. This is why it’s wise that before you initiate your insurance claim, you first speak with a hurricane claims attorney who can help protect your rights against insurer tactics.

This is the general claims process for homeowner’s insurance in Florida:

  • Contact your insurance company. Let them know that your property has sustained damages from the hurricane and ask for a claims adjuster to assess the damage.
  • Document your losses. Write down the specific damages and losses you incurred. If possible, take photographs and videos of them as well. Don’t rely on memory – though the destruction feels vivid now, the details will fade over time and you could have trouble recalling them.
  • Insurer makes an initial offer. The claims adjuster will report to the insurance company, and if the company agrees that your damages are compensable, they’ll make a settlement offer. Note that initial offers aren’t always the fair amount you deserve. If you have a lawyer on your side, your attorney can guide you on the rightful amount you’re entitled to.
  • Counter the offer. With your attorney, you can negotiate the settlement amount by sending a counterclaim, together with reasons for why you deserve that amount.
  • Settling the claim. Once you and the insurance company agree on a settlement amount, they should send you a check for that amount, minus the deductible. You’ll need to sign a settlement agreement which closes your claim.

On the other hand, if the insurance company rejects your claim, they should send you a letter that clearly states the reason for the denial. You have the right to appeal the company’s decision by addressing the cause of denial. It’s important to work with your attorney to build a compelling and effective appeal.

What You Can Recover from Homeowner’s Insurance

A standard homeowner’s insurance policy typically covers the following:

  • Damage to the main dwelling
  • Damage to other structures on the property
  • Damage to personal property (such as your car/vehicle)
  • Loss of use of property
  • Personal liability
  • Medical costs to others.

In some cases, your policy may entitle you to additional damages such as:

  • Lost income or business opportunities
  • Lost sales or business contracts
  • Your own pain and suffering related to hurricane distress.

Your exact coverage depends on the wording of your policy. Consult an experienced attorney to accurately interpret your policy and determine what forms of damages you could be compensated for. A competent claims lawyer can also investigate your property thoroughly and appraise the damage to reveal the true extent of your claim.

Common Difficulties in Claiming Compensation After a Hurricane

As a committed policyholder, you might expect that your insurance company will soon come through with your deserved compensation when you need it during a calamity. Sadly, this has not been the case for numerous Floridians. Many claimants have experienced difficulties when dealing with their homeowner’s insurance company, such as:

  • Low-balling the settlement (offering you a much smaller amount than you deserve)
  • Different interpretations of the policy
  • Disputing your assessment of the damage
  • Unreasonable delays during the claim
  • Delays in the approved payment
  • Denials with vague reasons.

To protect your claim from these tactics, get the help of an attorney who has had successful real-world experience dealing with insurers. It takes a lawyer’s first-hand experience to understand the workings of an insurance claim – and how to effectively counter them.

Contact Philip DeBerard – A Compassionate Hurricane Claims Attorney

In the aftermath of Hurricane Ian, you need a lawyer who’s uncompromising with insurance companies, but considerate and understanding with you. You’ll find this lawyer at the DeBerard law firm. Attorney Philip DeBerard has been voted the most trusted claims attorney in the Treasure Coast because of his genuine care for his clients’ well-being while assertively fighting for their rights. We have offices in StuartPort St. LucieWest Palm BeachOkeechobeeVero Beach, and Palm Beach Gardens.

When you work with us at the DeBerard firm, we’ll not only fight for the compensation you’re entitled to, we’ll help you get settled after the disaster. We’re ready to assist you with temporary living arrangements if you need them, as we aggressively negotiate with your insurer on your behalf.

We handle homeowner’s insurance claims, business property insurance claims, claims for damaged contents, and more.

You won’t have to pay us any fees until we obtain compensation for you. Your initial consultation is also free. Call us today at 800-299-8878.


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