Florida Construction Accident Lawyers

22225645_sConstruction workers in Florida build the state’s roads, schools, and countless private and commercial structures. Every single day, workers place their lives at risk in order to build, inspect, maintain, renovate, and repair these infrastructures.A construction site in Florida can be a very hazardous place. This is why numerous laws have been created to protect the construction workers who work at these sites on a daily basis. Accidents at work sites are often serious and can be catastrophic, and even life altering. Common injuries stemming from construction accidents include broken bones, internal injuries, burns, brain injury (TBI), spinal cord injuries, paralysis, and even death.

Unfortunately, victims of construction accidents must deal with the physical, emotional, and financial difficulties, including expensive medical bills and treatment, pain and suffering, lost wages, and rehabilitation.

If you or a loved one is injured in a construction accident, call a Florida construction accident attorney from Philip DeBerard right away. We have been assisted accident and injury victims from South Florida and the Treasure Coast for over 40 years.

Common Causes of Construction Accidents

Worksite accidents can occur for a large number of reasons. Among these leading reasons include:

  • Oversight and poor safety precautions
  • Falling objects
  • Scaffolding accidents
  • Falls from great heights
  • Slips and falls
  • Collapsing structures
  • Defective equipment
  • Improper equipment use
  • Improper equipment maintenance
  • Exposure to toxic substances
  • Explosions and fires
  • Electrical accidents
  • Welding accidents
  • Mechanical hazards
  • Other health and safety challenges

These accidents can generally be prevented in many instances, but still occur due to negligence or recklessness, product defects, or a disregard for existing laws.

Why Do I Need a Construction Accident Attorney? Won’t Workers Comp Take Care of It?

There are a numerous of state and federal laws that pertain to personal injuries at work sites, and these laws may be applicable in your particular situation.

Typically workplace accidents are handled by Florida workers’ compensation… but injured workers are often not aware that they may be able to file claims against several other parties apart from their employers… this is often the case with more serious injury claims or accidents involving death.

Third parties who may be liable for your injury include construction site owners, manufacturers of faulty equipment, general contractors, sub-contractors, and others. By filing a claim against all responsible third parties, the victim may be able to achieve the maximum amount of benefits possible to ensure proper medical care, treatment and other compensation.Of course, a thorough investigation of the construction site, medical records, and witness statements are needed in order to properly establish liability and determine the applicable laws in your claim. With the help of a skilled construction accident attorney, you may be able to identify the responsible parties and determine the type of claim to pursue.

Free Consultation

We understand that construction accidents can cause devastation to both the victim and the victim’s family. If you or a loved one is injured in a construction accident, it is essential that you seek legal representation from the right lawyer to ensure that you get the help needed to obtain the maximum compensation for your injuries.

Contact a qualified Florida injury attorney from The Law Offices of Philip DeBerard as soon as possible. We have assisted thousands of accident and injury victims from all over South Florida and have offices in Stuart, Port St. Lucie, Vero Beach, Okeechobee, Palm Beach Gardens and West Palm Beach.

Call us today toll-free at 1-800-299-8878 or complete our contact form. We can provide a free and confidential case evaluation, and charge no costs or fees unless a recovery for compensation has been awarded.


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