Florida Eye Drops Lawsuit Attorney | EzriCare / Delsam Artificial Tears Lubricant Recall

Florida Eye Drops Lawsuit Attorney | EzriCare / Delsam Artificial Tears Lubricant RecallFirst things first. If you use eye drops, please check your medicine cabinet right away for a product called EzriCare Artificial Tears. A longer brand name is ErziCare Artificial Tears Lubricant Eye Drops. If you have this product, discontinue its use immediately.  It’s been recalled. Keep any supply that you do have but do not use it any longer. We don’t want to scare you but we also don’t want you hurt. Here’s what’s happening.

Global Pharma Healthcare has announced a voluntary nationwide recall of EzriCare, LLC and Delsam Pharma Artificial Tears Lubricant Eye Drops due to the possibility of users developing an eye infection that may result in blindness and even death. The recall, which was issued on February 2, 2023, affects EzriCare Artificial Tears, an over-the-counter preservative-free eye drop that is available at major retailers such as Amazon and Walmart.

Several individuals have experienced negative effects, with one person having died from a bloodstream infection, and others having reported blindness and other complications resulting from an infection. Over 55 adverse events have been reported so far.

If you have suffered an injury or adverse effects from the use of EzriCare eye drops, you can contact the Philip DeBerard Injury Attorney at 800-299-8878 for assistance.

The Antibiotic-Resistant Pseudomonas Aeruginosa

According to a warning letter from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, certain batches of EzriCare Artificial Tears eye drops could be contaminated with Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, a type of bacteria that is resistant to most antibiotics. This bacterium, often referred to as a “superbug,” is commonly found in swimming pools, hot tubs, jacuzzis, and can also be present on the hands of healthy individuals.

The strain of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa associated with this outbreak is known as Verona integron-mediated metallo-β-lactamase and Guiana extended-spectrum-β-lactamase (VIM-GES-CRPA). This marks the first report of this particular strain being detected in the United States.

The troubling aspect of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa is its ability to resist multiple drugs, making it challenging for doctors to treat infections brought about by this bacterium. It has various mechanisms for developing antibiotic resistance, including the production of enzymes that render drugs inactive, forcing drugs out of the cell, and altering the drug’s target site to make it ineffective.

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is distinguished by its capacity to generate biofilms, which are clusters of bacteria that attach to a surface and produce a protective matrix of proteins, polysaccharides, and extracellular DNA. This allows the bacteria to elude the host’s immune system and withstand antibiotics.

As indicated in the CDC’s warning letter, several individuals who used contaminated EzriCare Artificial Tears eye drops experienced severe physical damage, including permanent loss of eyesight, respiratory infections, urinary tract infections, and death. The individual who used the eye drops died as a result of the bacterium getting into their bloodstream. The CDC holds that people with pre-existing eye conditions, such as glaucoma or cataracts, who used EzriCare Artificial Tears eye drops were more vulnerable to the bacterium.

What are the indications of an eye infection caused by EzriCare Artificial Tears?

  • Eye pain or discomfort
  • Light sensitivity
  • Blurred vision
  • Sensation of a foreign object in the eye
  • Redness of the eye or eyelid
  • Leakage of green, yellow, or clear fluids from the eye

If the bacteria are resistant to antibiotics and cannot be eliminated or controlled, the following complications may occur:

  • Endophthalmitis, an infection of the fluids and/or tissues inside the eyeball, which can lead to permanent vision loss or blindness
  • Keratitis or corneal inflammation
  • Respiratory infections
  • Urinary tract infections (UTIs)
  • The presence of pathogenic bacteria in blood or tissues (sepsis)
  • Hospital admission
  • Death

A Voluntary Nationwide Recall of Ezri Eye Drops

On January 31, 2023, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) initiated an investigation and issued a public safety warning about EzriCare eye drops, prompting a health alert to doctors. The CDC cited 55 infections in 12 states, including five cases of permanent vision loss and one death.

As a result, on February 2, 2023, Global Pharma Healthcare voluntarily recalled all batches of Artificial Tears Lubricant Eye Drops sold under the brand names EzriCare and Delsam Pharma across the United States. The recall covers all lots within expiry and comes with a risk statement indicating the possibility of eye infections leading to blindness. Retailers are likely removing these drops from their shelves, effectively recalling them.

Global Pharma Healthcare, a company based in India, has agreed to a recall of their artificial tears product. Despite the low cost of production in India, concerns about the safety of the product have arisen.

The distributor’s website advises consumers to immediately discontinue using EzriCare Artificial Tears Lubricant Eye Drops (10 mg Carboxymethylcellulose Sodium in 1 mL) in ½ fl. oz (15 mL) containers and provides a link to the company’s product website for further details about the issue.

Individuals who have suffered an infection after using these eye drops may be eligible for financial compensation by consulting with an EzriCare Eye Drops Lawsuit Attorney.

EzriCare Lubricant Eye Drops Lawsuit

The FDA found multiple violations of basic manufacturing regulations by EzriCare, including insufficient microbial testing and inadequate controls for tamper-evident packaging, resulting in hard-to-treat bacteria present in the eye drops. In fact, last month, the FDA added Global Pharma to its “red list” of prohibited imports.

There is likely to be a surge in reports and lawsuits related to injuries caused by EzriCare artificial tears. Many people may not realize that their injuries are connected to the eye drops, and therefore have not considered filing an artificial tears lawsuit. However, it is probable that negligence on the part of EzriCare in allowing a high-risk bacterium into their artificial tears may be alleged in future lawsuits.

Why should you consider filing an EzriCare Lubricant Eye Drop injury lawsuit?

Filing an EzriCare Lubricant Eye Drop injury lawsuit is important for several reasons. Firstly, consumers have the right to know that the products they use are safe and effective. Brands may deny any harm caused by their products in order to avoid financial losses, but filing a product liability lawsuit can protect others from harm.

Secondly, filing a lawsuit may provide compensation for the harm caused by the eye drops, including medical expenses and other damages. Additionally, holding EzriCare accountable through legal action may encourage them to take responsibility and make changes to prevent similar harm in the future.

Finally, filing a lawsuit can raise awareness of the potential dangers of these eye drops and help prevent others from suffering similar harm. It is important to seek legal guidance if you or a loved one has experienced harm from using EzriCare Lubricant Eye Drops.

Get help from a Florida EzriCare Eye Drops Lawsuit Attorney

If you or a family member has suffered vision loss or has lost someone dear as a result of contaminated EzriCare eye drops, you may be eligible to file a lawsuit to seek compensation.

To receive a no-cost case evaluation with one of our personal injury lawyers, contact Philip DeBerard Injury Attorney at 800-299-8878. Our legal team will assist you in knowing your legal options and will strive to secure the compensation that you or your loved one is entitled to.


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