South Florida Accident Awareness Blog
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South Florida Personal Injury Lawyer Blog
Will I have to go to court for my Florida personal injury case?
It's unlikely that an injured person in Florida would ever have to set foot in a courtroom to get adequate compensation for their case. Most cases settle without a lawsuit being filed. Once the case goes into litigation, most of those cases settle without the person...
Will I have to pay anything out-of-pocket in my Florida personal injury case?
You should never pay your personal injury attorney out of your own pocket while the case is ongoing. You may have to pay your doctor or pay your insurance copays for your treatment, but while the case is...
Do motorcycles require PIP coverage?
No, they do not. Motorcycles are one of the exceptions for PIP coverage in the state of Florida. If you're injured while on a motorcycle, it's very important you talk to an attorney about what types of...
How does the death benefit work under the new PIP law?
In Florida, PIP is generally $10,000 of insurance for the person who has the PIP benefits, regardless of who is at fault in a crash. If someone dies as a result of a crash, PIP benefits payout $5,000 for...
How long do you have to seek medical treatment to be able to qualify for PIP benefits?
Florida PIP law is very specific on the window of time you have to seek initial treatment. You need to see a doctor in the first 14 days or a medical professional. It's important to know that some medical...
If my insurance company sends a request for me to do an examination under oath, do I have to attend?
It's likely that your insurance contract obligates you to participate in the investigation of the claim. That being said, if you are going to be examined under oath, it's important that you have an...
What is uninsured motorist coverage used for?
What's commonly referred to as UM or are uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage is a type of insurance you can purchase to protect yourself from other people injuring you. In the state of Florida,...
Who does PIP coverage apply to?
PIP coverage or Florida no-fault coverage generally applies to your own insurance. It's not the person who hits you, it would be your own insurance paying out the PIP. However, there's numerous exceptions...
What are economic damages?
Economic damages are things that generally have a price tag attached to them. Things like past and future medical bills, past and future lost wages, loss of use of the vehicle, property damage, things that...
What are non-economic damages?
Non-economic damages are the damages that people suffer that are harder to quantify. Not things like a particular medical bill but softer things like pain and suffering, mental anguish, loss of consortium...
What is meant by the term defective product?
A product is considered defective, it is not fit for the purpose for which it was intended. For example, a knife, if it cuts your finger off, is doing what a knife is supposed to do. However, a pair of...
Who is negligent if I hit a cow or horse with my vehicle?
If you or a loved one hit a cow or a horse with your car, the owner of the cow or the horse could potentially be responsible for that. It is very important that you discuss the facts of your scenario with...
Can I text at a stop light in Florida?
The law in Florida allows for texting at stoplights. As long as the vehicle is not moving, it's not considered in operation for the texting and driving statute. However, you need to keep in mind that if...
Is it against the law in Florida to text while driving?
Florida has recently changed the laws to prohibit texting and driving. What that means is you cannot text while moving in a vehicle, you can while the vehicle stationary. A lesser-known aspect to that law...
Can Florida dog owners be held liable if their dog bites?
Florida law states that dog owners are responsible for the actions of their dogs. Even if that person never had a thought that their dog would bite someone, if their dog does injure a member of the public...