In a Florida slip and fall case, the plaintiff has to prove everything. The defense does not have to do anything. It’s important to present as much evidence as possible to a jury in your favor. Witness testimony is a very big part of that. If possible, please get the name and contact information for any potential witnesses.

Examples of Slip and Fall Accidents in Okeechobee, FL

Slipping injuries can occur anywhere. Below are some examples of slip-and-fall accidents where the property owner could potentially be liable:

  • Examples of Slip-and-Fall Accidents in OkeechobeeSkidding on an unattended spill at a restaurant
  • Injury from a falling object at shops or supermarkets
  • Tumbling on the pothole or pavement bump of a parking garage
  • Falling into an unsecured hole on the ground
  • Stumbling from shabby stairs or badly lit stairwell
  • Injury at an exposed construction site
  • Getting injured at a poorly maintained amusement park ride
  • Falling from a weakened deck or balcony
  • Near-drowning and drowning incidents at a swimming pool
  • Resident’s injury because of missing handrails and anti-slip devices at a nursing home

Where was your Slip & Fall?